Monday, December 20, 2010

Prouduct Review: Pink Yoga Pants

Super comfy and durable. These pants are perfect for sleepwear and daywear. I wear them around the house and to school. One of the must-haves for the new year. They come in a variety of waistband styles and colors. The pants are about $33.

My B&B Works Scent

Hey guys! I'm back with the help of my cousin Gabi and we're kicking this blog into full swing. So now instead of the one or two posts I normally do a month, now you get a lot more. And that makes a lot more fun. So onto my topic. I was at Bath and Body Works with my cousin the other weekend when I found my scent. The one that I now use everyday. It is probably the most amazing scent in the whole store. Here it is... Secret Wonderland. It's only available in certain stores and became recently available in my local store. It smells kinda fruity but really good and flowery. If you stop by your local B&B Works and smell it I bet you will fall in love with it like I did.

I really hope to get some more of this collection in the upcoming winter holidays. So comment and tell me your favorite Bath and Body Works Scent.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Don't like dresses?

If you dont like dresses because they make you uncomfortable then wear a cute pair of skinny jeans under the dress and your problems will be solved!:)

Also a pair of patterned tights can also jazz up a plain old dress just make sure you don't use two totally diffrent patterns.

Sparkles in Your Hair For The Holidays

Ugly Holiday Sweaters

Pehaps wear them to an ugly sweater party...